Sivaram Gogineni is very active in advocating aerospace and engineering related issues with the U.S. Congressional Delegation and the distinguished aerospace pioneers. He has been participating in AIAA congressional visit days and Dayton community fly-ins to D.C. over the past 10 years. During these events and conferences organized across the country, he had opportunities to closely interact with distinguished individuals such as the late astronaut Neil Armstrong; the late astronaut and Senator John Glenn, Senators George Voinovich, Mike DeWine, and Sherrod Brown; Congressmen Dave Hobson, Tony Hall, Mike Turner, Steve Austria and John Boehner; and Norm Augustine.

Dayton Community fly-in to D.C. for Aerospace Advocacy

With Mr. Neil Armstrong in 2003

With Congressman Dave Hobson

With Senator John Glenn in 2003

With Senator Mike DeWine

With Congressman Tony Hall

With Senator George Voinovich and Team Ohio

With Congressman John Boehner

With Congressman Mike Turner

With Congressman Steve Austria

With Senator Sherrod Brown

Team Ohio with Hon. Steve Austria (U.S. Congress, 7th District) -- AIAA CVD 2010

With Norm Augustine

With Bert Rutan at Awards Gala (2012)